Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summary of the Film "The Linguists"

A Film to Speak.

There are 7,000 and more languages in the world and more than half of those languages are in danger or they already died. In the film linguistics produced and Directed by Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller and Jeremy S. Newberger is based on the travesty of two prime on linguistics who decided to go around the world and look for some of the languages that will be dead in a few years from now. This learning film trip shows how the selected unknown languages are being in danger and how they are being discriminated by the decedents who once spoke them. Many languages are disappearing and the fact that these people took the responsibility to go around the world and find those dialect before they are gone makes me think that we as spoken people should do something about it so these languages won’t disappear. According to the film some of these languages are in danger to disappear because there is nobody who would teach the following generation of people but it is a fact that if the young generation learns it they will just choose not to use or speak it. Every two weeks a language dies and we will soon have left nothing to learn from and all those old languages will past to history.

What I liked about the movie is that these guys not just went to explore languages but also cultures, they participated in parties and even rituals in order to get more information about a language and which helped them to understand better the real meaning of these cultures and dialects. They show people that there is no need to me ashamed by their native language and that there are more people like them that would like to explore more about lost languages like the Chulym which is from a part of Russia and Sora which is in India.  A language defines culture and a culture is defined by its native language that should not be lost. 


  1. Mindrys: The film was called "The Linguists", not "The Languages."

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