Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue. Pages 1- 44

In the first part of the book Our Magnificent bastard tongue by John McWhorter starts describing how we use the verb form –ing and the “meaningless do” in order ourselves clear when we talk and these terms came to the English language by themselves. The book also talks about how English is different from other languages, although some of them use the “do and –ing” but not all of them use them in the same form as English. McWhorter explains in four assumptions that language had change.
 I found very significant the part where McWhorter talks about the mix of languages which gives them new words and grammar cheeks. According to him, many of these mix languages still exist like the Patois language or “hybrid” which was adapted by Jamaicans, is a mix of English and the language of origin they spoke in times of slavery. The mix of these languages reminds me when we talked about word formation (borrowing) which as we know is taking over words from other languages, in this case is English.
Although the book has a lot of information and it gives good examples of everything, it seems like I can’t understand that much about it specially the par that talks about Celts (11). I only understood all when talked about the “meaningless do and the –ing” I have a clear view of what he is talking about there. I wonder how well I will understand the second part of the book. 

Mindrys' homework chapter 18,19,20

 Chapters # 18, 19 and 20